Pink Vintage Phones- Rotary, Wall and Table top
Pink Vintage Phones- Rotary, Wall and Table Top
Pink - Wall - Rotary - Phone - kitchen - living room- electronics
Era- 30s- 40s
Prop ID- PHN028, PHN112, PHN222
PHN028- 9.3" x 5.5"
PHN112- 9" x 5.5"
PHN222- 9.5" x 5.5"
Pink Vintage Phones- Rotary, Wall and Table Top
Pink - Wall - Rotary - Phone - kitchen - living room- electronics
Era- 30s- 40s
Prop ID- PHN028, PHN112, PHN222
PHN028- 9.3" x 5.5"
PHN112- 9" x 5.5"
PHN222- 9.5" x 5.5"
Pink Vintage Phones- Rotary, Wall and Table Top
Pink - Wall - Rotary - Phone - kitchen - living room- electronics
Era- 30s- 40s
Prop ID- PHN028, PHN112, PHN222
PHN028- 9.3" x 5.5"
PHN112- 9" x 5.5"
PHN222- 9.5" x 5.5"